
Archive for the ‘35th birthday’ Category

Do you remember when toaster ovens were ‘the thing’? Because I do…

I remember when CD players came out…. When you could buy a ‘single’ on a tape… when cars had manual roll up windows… and when the over abundance of dog poop wasn’t such an issue that you had to walk around with a plastic wal mart sack to pick it up.

I remember sitting in my pretty little head … just wasting my life away. Wishing I would turn 16 so I could drive… then 18 so I could gamble… then 21 so I could drink… as if the correct age on my driver’s license stopped me from doing most these things before the proper age anyway… but the point is I wasted time… wishing to be older…I just never remember wishing to be 35 for ‘something’…

Now that I am I seem to be wasting time… wishing I was younger.


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